Writing at Geektime


I’ve actually been pretty busy publishing on Geektime, Israel’s leading technology news blog. It’s been fun writing about tech again. You can check out my full list of pieces on Geektime, but I’m just going to share a few pieces here.

Courtesy of Geektime

Can tech solve acute depression? As you can imagine, I wrote this in the wake of Robin William’s tragic death. It has a few morsels of optimism. 

Courtesy of Geektime

How China is shaping the global economy in 5 charts It’s insane how much China’s economic growth dictates the the state of the world economy. For reals: check out this piece and see some graphs made by yours truly. 

Hopefully I’ll have more clips to share soon. Thanks everyone for your support, as always. And if you have any ideas for articles, send them over my way!