Tech that Matters: This smartphone-attached lens screens for skin cancer


I finally got to post the first piece from my new Tech that Matters column on Friday, which profiles a company called Skin Analytics that has created a great, pretty affordable device that screens for skin cancer. Since 97% of people diagnosed with skin cancer at stage 1 survive, this could be huge.

Skin Analytics’ device in action. Photo Credit: Skin Analytics / YouTube

Skin Analytics’ device in action. Photo Credit: Skin Analytics / YouTube

As always, let me know what you think, including if you know of other people working in this field that I should talk to. Hope you’re all well!

Tech that matters


I know that it’s been quite a while since I posted. This year I’ve been working hard at developing Geektime, where I am now managing editor. To get a sense of my writing over the last year, you can simply visit my author page.

In an effort to report on technology that has a real impact beyond selfie apps, I am launching a bi-monthly column called Tech that Matters. Here, “We want to interview companies, teams, and individuals that are doing just that: creating technology that impacts large amounts of people in profound ways. Whether it’s medical technology, social entrepreneurship in low-income communities, or mass transit systems like the Hyperloop, we want to increase the amount of coverage that impactful, meaningful solutions get in tech media.”

Man who just went through brain surgery. Photo Credit: Kevin Stanchfield / Flickr

Man who just went through brain surgery. Photo Credit: Kevin Stanchfield / Flickr

The response so far has been amazing: Lots of great individuals and companies have gotten in contact with us. If you know of anyone or any company doing important work that needs to be written about, please have them email me at

Writing at Geektime


I’ve actually been pretty busy publishing on Geektime, Israel’s leading technology news blog. It’s been fun writing about tech again. You can check out my full list of pieces on Geektime, but I’m just going to share a few pieces here.

Courtesy of Geektime

Can tech solve acute depression? As you can imagine, I wrote this in the wake of Robin William’s tragic death. It has a few morsels of optimism. 

Courtesy of Geektime

How China is shaping the global economy in 5 charts It’s insane how much China’s economic growth dictates the the state of the world economy. For reals: check out this piece and see some graphs made by yours truly. 

Hopefully I’ll have more clips to share soon. Thanks everyone for your support, as always. And if you have any ideas for articles, send them over my way!

Getting some Twitter love


I was super flattered to see that Chris Schroeder, who wrote the groundbreaking book Startup Risingcompliment my most recent PolicyMic piece about women entrepreneurs in the Middle East. His book, which came out in August 2013, describes the tech revolution bubbling all over the MENA region.

Here’s the Tweet love fest:


Thanks again Chris for the Twitter love!

New article up: ‘How The Middle East Is Solving the Gender Gap That Silicon Valley Is Ignoring’


It’s the featured story on PolicyMic‘s entrepreneurship page. I must say, it was fascinating to learn how much more Arab women are involved in tech entrepreneurship in the Middle East than women are in the Western world. Check it out!

Screen shot 2014-04-02 at 7.12.28 PM

First article on PolicyMic up: ‘In Major Breakthrough, an Israeli Company Has Created Water Out of Thin Air’


After a long absence, I’m back to reporting! I wrote a piece about a very cool company called Water-Gen that has managed to create drinkable water from air. Here’s the piece, titled “In Major Breakthrough, an Israeli Company Has Created Water Out of Thin Air.”


Photo of the outside of a Water-Gen water generating unit.

It’s thankfully getting a lot of positive response so far. Almost 500 shares (March 14)!

smallest screen of shares

*Update: Now there have been more than 1,100 shares (March 17)!

I look forward to writing more about Israeli tech, and am open to suggestions. Are there any technologies or companies you think I should know about?